Be Mindful of Your Gear – A large group of photographers can attract a lot of attention – some of it, not the good kind. Please be mindful of your gear at all times. Only bring what you can confortably carry and keep up with.
RSVP for afterwards! – If you have not RSVP’d and you are planning to stop by Bricktops after the walk please let me know – stop what you’re doing and RSVP now!
Walk-ups are Okay – The enthusiasm for this event has been very high so do not be surprised if unregistered walkers arrive to join the group. We want to share this experience with everyone so please, invite unregistered walkers to join in on the fun! However, last-minute participants are not eligible to submit their photos for the prize. Only walkers that pre-registered for the walk will have that access to upload photos. If you haven’t joined the group – stop what you’re doing and JOIN now!
Follow the Signs – Just in case you can’t find the group. I will have a sign-attached to my camera bag.
Play nice – Remember folks, this is a social event - A time to meet with fellow photographers and maybe gain some new perspectives. Take the time to share your knowledge with others. If someone shows up with a disposable camera, don’t laugh. Instead, why not take them under your wing? And if police or security guards stop you from photographing a building or something (hey, it happens) just nod politely and move on. The name of this game is, “Keeping it Social.”
- we do have permission to photograph at the TERMINUS property, but I have not secured permission from any other private property in the area.
Remember, It’s a Photo Walk, Not a Photo Parade – A photo walk is a social event. You are encouraged to move and mingle at your own pace. You do not have to stay together and move as a group! The only thing that should be done as a group is the very beginning and the very end. Please - everyone reconvene at the final meeting place at the end – Bricktops 9ish, our walk will then be a complete success!
If you show up late, just make your way down Peachtree toward Lenox. It should be fairly easy to spot a group of 50 photogs with cameras.
What if it Rains? – Since this is a worldwide event, it will probably be raining somewhere on the 23rd. It may still rain in Atlanta on Saturday, showers & scattered showers are predicted. We will meet Rain or Shine! Get a disposable poncho ($1 at Target and Walmart) and bring an umbrella. Walmart has ‘clamp on umbrellas’ for camping and beach chairs for $5 that clamp nicely to tripods (use with caution, in windy conditions they turn the camera into a kite!).
After the Walk…
Upload – Remember: All walkers must upload their photos to your group’s Flickr Page by Midnight on Tuesday, August 26 if they want to be considered for both the city and grand prizes. You have been sent a link to join the flickr group.
… and lastly, BE SAFE! – We really cannot stress to you how important it is be safe. Photo walks are meant to celebrate the spirit of photography in a fun and social setting. Nothing would dampen this notion faster than the knowledge that a fellow Photographer got more than he/she bargained for in the process. Let’s keep it fun and safe folks so we can do this again sometime.
- What to wear: Dress for walking and the weather
- What to bring: your camera of course, media for 200+ photos, an extra battery (freshly charged), if you have it – a tripod, a remote or cable release – keep your gear light and manageable, you’ll take more photos and enjoy it more if you’re not laboring with a bunch of stuff.
- Where to meet: at the corner of Piedmont & Peachtree in front of the Terminus building in Buckhead, 3280 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, Ga 30305
- When to meet: 6:45pm for intro & group photo – walk begins at 7pm, lasts till 9pm or a bit later.
- Parking suggestions: there is a parking deck behind Terminus, entrance from Piedmont or south bound Peachtree
- Where to PhotoWalk: walk toward Lenox Square area, several good side streets to turn down, a few parking decks for overviews of the area.
- End: Return back to the starting point and meet at Bricktops to share photos, meet some new friends and enjoy a drink or dinner.
Remember to walk in pairs or in groups - This is a social event. Get to know new people. We’ll definitely see some familiar faces in the group, but it doesn’t hurt to go with someone you don’t know and get to know them.
- Help others - We’ll be having a mixture of experience during the walk. There are some experienced/professional photographers, so this might be your opportunity to learn from them. For the experienced/professional ones - it’s always good to lend a helping hand.
- Shooting Reminder: Make sure to watch other photographers. Don’t get in their way while they’re shooting.
- Finally, HAVE FUN! That’s the most important thing. Mingle with the group, get to know everyone. It’s going to be a fun day and we’ll all have a chance to share our photos after the walk.