Here are some of the student comments:
I just wanted to thank you again for all of the information that you shared with us in class. I have been trying to find someone who would give me insight into the real world of professional photography. Your class was exactly what I was looking for. Stan H
I very much enjoyed my two days of photographic immersion. You are so incredibly knowledgeable. One of my prior co- workers asked how your seminar was. The amount of information to process is mammoth, but then...I have always known that. I want to do this...thank you for helping get me started. Judy B.
Your insight into the business and your completely open and honest explanation was absolutely well receipted and appreciated by those in the class. It was a truly enjoyable session and your no-non-sense approach to teaching, was refreshing, engaging, and all around FUN! Heather B.
I wanted to thank you for an absolutely brilliant seminar this weekend. I have a great appreciation and respect for an instructor that comes to class with a well-defined outline of topics to cover. And to have the instructor follow that outline with such ease definitely attests to the vast expertise you have. I also appreciate your openness to sharing resources.